Volunteering with Sharks in South Africa – Maddy Coulter

Embarking on a volunteer journey in South Africa is an extraordinary experience, offering a unique chance to engage with one of nature’s most remarkable predators – sharks. My extended stay with White Shark Projects has extended far beyond my initial expectations, providing me with a diverse set of skills and involving me in a variety of activities that have been both thrilling and educational.

One of the noteworthy facets of this journey has been the opportunity to attain my seafarers’ certification, a valuable accomplishment that has enhanced my understanding of maritime operations and safety protocols.

Being actively involved in the process of gathering data aboard the boat has not only expanded my knowledge of the sharks but also allowed me to contribute meaningfully to ongoing research efforts. The meticulous task of inputting and analyzing this data has sharpened my analytical skills and underscored the importance of precision in scientific endeavors.

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Photo by Maddy Coulter: Maddy with a fellow volunteer and crew member on board Shark Team.


Photo by White Shark Projects: Shark Team ready to launch.

Participating in the hands-on work of measuring and tagging smaller endemic shark species has been a particularly rewarding aspect of my volunteer experience.

This direct involvement in conservation efforts has provided me with a deeper appreciation for the intricacies of marine ecosystems and the role of sharks in maintaining ecological balance. Creating videos has been a creative outlet, allowing me to visually capture and share the unique moments encountered during these expeditions, contributing to both documentation and educational outreach.

Guiding on the boat has been an immersive role that not only requires a comprehensive understanding of the marine environment and its inhabitants but also demands effective communication and leadership skills. Capturing footage during the trips adds another layer to this multifaceted experience, as it involves observation and documentation of the marine life that we encountered.

The opportunity to connect with other volunteers from around the world has added a global perspective to my experience.

Discussing different cultures, and sharking insights and a passion for marine conservation has broadened my understanding and fostered meaningful connections that extend beyond borders. Collaborating with the experienced White Shark Projects crew has been an invaluable aspect of my journey, providing mentorship, guidance, and the chance to learn from individuals with extensive expertise in the field.

In essence, my volunteer work with White Shark Projects in South Africa has been a wonderful experience that I will never forget! Beyond the thrill of encountering these amazing animals in their natural habitat, this experience has shaped my skills, deepened my understanding of marine ecosystems, and allowed me to contribute meaningfully to shark conservation.


Photo by White Shark Projects. Maddy on the boat, taking more fin ID photos of the sharks.

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Photo by White Shark Projects: Maddy and fellow volunteer, Joe, getting some valuable fin ID photos of the sharks from our boat.

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Photo by White Shark Projects: Maddy with two children at our Recycle Swop Shop in Masakhane